Microsoft Interview - 3

Q1: given a string search it in a set of strings (say among 1000s of
string). What datastructure would you use to store those 1000 strings
and get the results fastest?

Q2: Reverse a linked list?

Q3: Find if there is a loop in a linked List?

Q4: given 2 arrays of no find if each of the two arrays have
the same set of integers ? Suggest a algo which can run faster
than NlogN ?

Q5: Validate a Binary search tree? ( as in the left- right child follow
the property )

Q6: Write a routine that takes as input a string such as ("aabbccdef"
and o/p "a2b2c2def" or "a4bd2g4" for "aaaabddgggg".

Q7: Given a NxN matrix with 0s and 1s. now whenever you
encounter a 0 make the corresponding row and column elements 0.
Flip 1 to 0 and 0 remains as they are.

for eg 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
results in

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0

Q8: Given 2 set of arrays of size N(sorted +ve integers ) find the
median of the resultent array of size 2N. (dont even think of
sorting the two arrays in a third array , though u can sort them).
Try smthng better than order N ..order LogN >:) .

Q9: given 1000 bottles of juice, one of them contains poison and tastes
bitter. Spot the spoiled bottle in minimum sips?
(hint: try to mix them)

Q10: whats the diff b/w a thread and a process? are Word and
powerpoint different processes or threads of a single process?

Q11: How does a spell cheaker routine (common to both, word and
Powerpoint) used.. I mean is the code copied 2 times for each of the
processes in teh main memory, if they are diffent processes or how is
it used if they are threads.

all the best.


  1. Find the first unrepeated character in a string of English language in O(n)

  2. Find the first unrepeated character in a string of English language in O(n)
