Yahoo Interview

1) There is a n x n grid of 1's and 0's. Find the i , where i is the row
containing all 1's and all 0's(except the intersection point). Should do
it in less than 25 comparisons
2) Use 2 stacks to implement a queue. Followed up with making the
access to the Data structure concurrently.

3) C++ question was good, implement a c++ class such that it allows us
to add data members at runtime.

4)Implement a transaction manager in a database server. The discussion
involved a lot of stuff about transaction logs.

5) How do you tune an application. Creating indexes.

6) Some SQL performance tuning questions on creating indexes.

7) can you write a foo() in c? If so how can u do it?

8) vector implementation questions.

9) Almost everyone asked about my language.(except ppl who attended my talk).


  1. Since this site was very useful to me , i m posting some of the questions asked in yahoo interview

    -> explain the data structure/algorithm u would use for spelling suggestion in mobile phones

    -> write an algorithm to find if a tree is binary tree or not in O(n)

    -> classic egg puzzle

    -> classic 2 candles , measure 45 mins puzzle

    -> regex to find an id in xml consisting of just characters and digits

    -> in the above matched entity write regex to replace characters [a-f] with [A-F]

    -> given a linked list find if it is palindrome

    -> given a huge file say 10 gb containing multiple records , remove duplicates

    -> what is RTTI in C++ , reflection in java

    -> internals of RTTI in C++

    -> standard student , department schema design

    -> normalization / denormalization tradeoffs

    -> write a BFS algo

    -> what do u prefer DFS or BFS and why ? explain with space and time complexities

    -> write an algo to print level by level and after level it should print its level number

    -> how do indexes work internally

    -> balanced / unbalanced tree , B trees , how do they compare with binary trees

  2. Really good question list. Thank you for sharing.

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